Bantry is a beautiful town in West Cork, not too far from Tralibane where Francis O’Neill was born. This year’s 2019 Chief O’Neill festival kicks off tomorrow (September 6) in the Church of St. Brendan the Navigator and has a wonderful lineup of traditional musicians in Séamus Begley, Oisín Mac Diarmada and Samantha Harvey. The Facebook event page is here.
For full details of the festival check out their website: https://www.chiefoneillfestivalbantry.com/. The full program includes music sessions, workshops and more concerts.
While the festival in Bantry will be a lot of fun, there are also lots of local events organized in Tralibane around the same time.
- The Annual 2019 walk from the Tralibane bridge to the O’Neill monument. (Sunday September 8th @2pm)
Ceili in Caheragh Hall 2019. (Friday 13th September @9pm)
Visit http://www.francisoneill.ie/ for full details, along with the dates for the upcoming Pattern dance at the monument.